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Advance School of Leadership is an intense 9 month internship located at Impact Church in Savannah GA. that offers all the practical tools needed for life & ministry. It is not a Bible college, although we offer biblical studies. Our internship is designed to train and prepare you for Ministry and Leadership. Advance School of Leadership is broken up into (2) 9 month programs. Our first year program will offer basic biblical foundations, as well as a broad overview of all areas of ministry. As for our second year program, we will be selecting a limited amount of students. These students will have a specific ministry focus in which we will equip & empower them on a campus level.

1st Year Students 


First year students will be immersed into the life of Together Church experiencing some of the best Pastoral Leadership teachings as well as learning all areas of ministry as well as learning valuable tools for life. 1st year students will also receive and complete the following:

–    Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
–    Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers
–    The Prison Epistles
–    Effective Leadership
–    Relationships & Ethics in Ministry
–    Conflict Management
–    Weekly Leadership Teaching
–    Hands On Training by Our Staff
–    Short Term Missions Trip
–    2 Day Student/Staff Retreat
–    Together Conference

2nd Year Students 


Second year students will continue to be challenged through great leadership teachings as well as having a specific ministry focus that will be executed on a Campus level of our choosing.

–    Old Testament Survey
–    Total Money Makeover
–    Romans
–    New Testament Survey
–    The Corinthian Correspondence
–    John Maxwell Leadership Books
–    Weekly Leadership Teaching
–    Hands On Training by Our Staff
–    Short Term Missions Trip
–    2 Day Student/Staff Retreat
–    Together Conference

Four Tracks

Over the course of the internship every student will spend half of their time dedicated to Pastoral/Leadership training. The other half will be dedicated to one of the these ministry tracks:

TRACK 1 - Tech – (photo, video, sound, graphics, lighting)
TRACK 2 - Worship – (music, planning, singing, songwriting)
TRACK 3 - Children’s – (all ministry involving infant – 5th grade)
TRACK 4 - Connections – (helping people continue to take their next steps with God.)

TRACK 5 - Discipleship

TRACK 6 - Leadership


Together School of Leadership is for anyone out of High School sensing the call of God to use his or her life to build His church. Whether you are 18 or 55, single or married, its never too early or too late to respond to the call.


Our weekly involvement will include
– 2 days of weekly training Monday and Wednesday from 6pm-8pm.
– Serving at our Weekend Opportunities
– Participating in various ministry projects


The cost for our School of Leadership, which includes:

– Bible School Curriculum
– Mission Trip
– LA Dream Center
– Together Conference
– 2 Day Retreat
– Mariners Game
– Other events and Leadership Opportunities

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